
Alpha Digital offers solutions based on innovation to support the advancement of partner businesses, more competitive in cost efficiency, outstanding solutions in 3 product groups

  • Digital Signage
  • Traffic Intelligence
  • Face Recognition/Access Control

    alpha digital solution thailand digital signage solution

    With confidence that we are ready to serve you. We "can take care of it" because we are software developers. Own innovation Therefore, we are confident that we are competent, know the truth and can support fully. You "get good stuff" by relying on expertise in Software, combined with world-class hardware developers to make "possible" price competition. Going active will promote a "successful" business.

    The solutions offered are always up to date and up to date. I can assure you that there is no trend. Get full specs, worth it, don't worry about getting the product behind in time for the game. Our solutions cover all business segments. Government agencies, education and more

    • Retail
    • supermarket
    • Hotel
    • Clinic/Pharmacy
    • Front Desk/Reception
    • Event Expo
    • Restaurant
    • Corporate/Government
    • School/Tutor
    • Mobile Vehicle

    Alpha digital signage benefits